After moving from Philadelphia, with a dream of designing graphics for television, I booked my first TV show within 2 weeks. In the last 8 years, I've worked on 26 TV shows.
I know, pretty crazy, right?!
It sounds glamorous, but I promise you it was not.
When I moved to LA, I only knew 3 people living in the city and I wasn't close with any of them.
I didn't have any connections. I didn't know what I was doing.
Hell, I tried to drive from Culver City to Burbank on the 405 in rush hour on a Friday. I was CLUELESS!!!
I cried a lot. I broke down. It was a really scary experience as I slept on a friend of a friend's couch and looked for apartments.
Eventually, I found my way. But I don't want you to find your way eventually. I want you to find your way quickly.
That's why I wrote this book. There are essentials that I wish I knew before I moved. And once you know them, I promise your move will be effortless.
It will still feel nerve-wracking because any big leap will feel that way. But you won't have break downs like I did. You'll be on top of everything and totally prepared!